R-MAP, a participatory environmental monitoring network in Italy

Rete di Monitoraggio Ambientale Partecipativo (R-MAP)

Enjoy visiting https://rmap.cc/.


Coming from Work in progress: support for InfluxDB and MQTT as backend, new WiFiConfig · Issue #33 · opendata-stuttgart/sensors-software · GitHub and added mqtt publish with RMAP specifications by pat1 · Pull Request #165 · opendata-stuttgart/sensors-software · GitHub, we just recognized R-MAP, a participatory environmental monitoring network in Italy.

R-MAP Meteo Group

The Gruppo Meteo - raspibo collects meteorological data.



The people of R-MAP are also putting their things in the open. Enjoy visiting the hardware documentation and their software repositories.

Some details

From a software/protocol perspective, it is interesting to see they are converging different things into the BUFR format before further processing: