If you think Luftdatenpumpe should provide another convience feature, to work around that specific problem, if possible at all, please see my suggestion at [1] and let me know if you think that could help.
So, my first question, just out of curiosity, is: How does a place/location of a sensor change, and how is that detail submitted to the data collector instance?
Via https://devices.sensor.community you can adjust the data to your sensors and if you change the location of the sensor there a bit, the StationID seems to change. (Under LDI, when it comes to stations, the sensor UID is used).
I see. Just to clarify: “location” is meant in terms of geolocation at lat/lon? In any case, I think it would be appropriate to ask over at https://forum.sensor.community/ about this detail then?
Let me know if you think this proposed feature could help on this matter, as a workaround for this upstream behavior, implemented on behalf of Luftdatenpumpe.