Coming from recent endeavors aiming to modernize different Sphinx documentation repositories we are maintaining, let me start by reporting about different advancements in the area of the Sphinx documentation generator and its ecosystem, which materialized in the recent years.
Furo theme
First of all, I would like to outline the excellent Furo theme, which advertises itself as a clean customisable Sphinx documentation theme.
– GitHub - pradyunsg/furo: A clean customizable documentation theme for Sphinx
Executable Books Project and Theme
Also, very massive advancements are coming from The Executable Books Project, around Chris Sewell, Chris Holdgraf, and contributors, with connections to The Jupyter Project, see Background and history and their team.
PyData Sphinx Theme
This is also a very capable theme, using Bootstrap.
Inspired by Bootstrap, Material Design, and Material-UI design frameworks, sphinx-design [1]
is a Sphinx extension for designing beautiful, screen-size responsive web-components. It brings in grid-, card-, dropdown-, tab-, badge-, and button-elements, supporting both reStructuredText and MyST.
– https://sphinx-design.readthedocs.io/
– GitHub - executablebooks/sphinx-design: A sphinx extension for designing beautiful, screen-size responsive web components.
The installation documentation page of Streamlink looks so sweet!
– Via: Installation - Streamlink 5.5.1 documentation – which also uses the Furo theme, by the way.
MyST Markdown - Markedly Structured Text 
The great dilemma
For a long time, the power of the Sphinx documentation generator was only available to people writing documentation in reStructuredText. Because Markdown gained significant popularity in recent years, the community was in a big dilemma, and I am sure there have been endless Programming Language Wars-style discussions around using reStructuredText vs. Markdown for documentation authoring.
This dilemma has come to an end with MyST now, aiming to follow up on the success of MySQL and mypy – naming-wise.
Enter MyST
Effectively, it brings Markdown to Sphinx in full swing – finally.