Missing data of my luftdaten.info sensor with LDI station id 19604 from Veglie, Italy on the Grafana map

Hi, I’m Andrea and I recently installed a control unit and joined the Luftdaten project but I can’t see my unit on Grafana’s map. Did I do something wrong?
Thank you

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Hi Andrea,

welcome to our community!

We are just importing and processing some luftdaten.info data, so we might not be the first target for your question but https://luftdaten.info. Btw. a question to our members here: Is there a dedicated community forum for luftdaten.info? Ping @wtf.

Please check your configuration first, do you send to madavi? Then check your data at


and replace 12041741 with your sensor ID!

Before your data appear in the “official” and map based data you have to register your device. A longer time ago you had to send a mail to rajko at codefor.de and this is still written on the italian doc page:

After that I had to wait several weeks to make it in the map (and some reminder mails from my side).

This has changed and you can register your sensor now with a self service under https://my.luftdaten.info, this is documented e.g. on the EN and DE page (and had it not made to the IT page yet):

So please try this first and then have a look at the official luftdaten map in case it is showing up there and not on our grafana page please come back to us.

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Thank you very much for the instructions you gave me.
I followed your steps and on the map of Luftdaten there.
I am attaching the image.
It’s not on Grafana’s map.
My node is esp8266-12793152

In this map it’s not.

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Dear Andrea,

thanks for writing in and welcome to our community.

As @Clemens told you already, we are just downstream users of luftdaten.info and do some data ingesting and processing by consuming their API.

Our main workhorse here is

which is operating on the API of luftdaten.info in bulk-/batch-mode. In other words, data flowing into the luftdaten.info sensor network is not visible in real-time on our Grafana dashboards.

However, we will try to investigate how we could speed things up regarding to your question and humbly ask for your patience about this.

With kind regards,

Update I

We are just running the production process of the station list which is usually only invoked each night at 00:30 CET on a regular basis.

Update II

We produced the station list successfully but recognized that we are still running the outdated version of luftdatenpumpe 0.8.2 on our production machine which currently croaks on invalid data while importing live data from the API:

  File "/opt/luftdatenpumpe/.venv3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/influxdb-5.2.1-py3.5.egg/influxdb/client.py", line 286, in request
    raise InfluxDBClientError(response.content, response.status_code)
influxdb.exceptions.InfluxDBClientError: 400: {"error":"partial write: unable to parse 'ldi_readings,geohash=srxw3u3e59pv,sensor_id=22676,station_id=12521 humidity=nan,temperature=nan 1571231630000000000': invalid number\nunable to parse 'ldi_readings,geohash=srxw3u3e59pv,sensor_id=22675,station_id=12521 P1=nan,P2=nan 1571231630000000000': invalid number dropped=0"}

This error has probably already been addressed through https://github.com/panodata/luftdatenpumpe/issues/4 and fixed with luftdatenpumpe 0.16.0.

We will upgrade to the most recent version on our production machine and see how that goes.

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Thanks. now everything is clear to me.

When trying to upgrade to the most recent version of luftdatenpumpe, we recognized we are already using Python3.6+ features within the codebase. However, we found that only Python3.5 is available by default on our production machine, which is still running Debian “stretch” 9.11. Bummer!

As of now, the ingesting and processing machinery around luftdatenpumpe is currently effectively broken ;[.


But no worries! We will try to ramp up a more recent version of Python through GitHub - pyenv/pyenv: Simple Python version management this evening in order to get things running again. Please stay tuned and thanks for your understanding!

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No problem. Thank you very much for the work you are doing.


We eliminated the obstacles with our Python installation on Debian stretch as outlined above and things started working again – now using luftdatenpumpe 0.18.2.

luftdaten.info map for Italy

We also added a map focused to Italy at https://weather.hiveeyes.org/grafana/d/ZKf6O2TWk/luftdaten-info-map-for-italy. Enjoy!

Veglie, Italy

Is it your measurement node, actually?





Thank you :slight_smile:

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Missing data of my luftdaten.info sensor with LDI station id 19575 from Veglie, Italy on the Grafana map