Grafana 6.5 is coming

The people from Grafana Labs are busy working on 6.5.0-beta1 Milestone · GitHub. There are many things happening around CloudWatch support. Also, the modularization of Grafana into packages is getting traction and we are very much looking forward to that. Of course, there are countless other things going on.

Other things that sparked our interest are Cherries from the Grafana Roadmap, Using Grafana with React and The Grafana DataFrame type.

The Beta is out now, see Release v6.5.0-beta1 (2019-11-14) · grafana/grafana · GitHub.

@kylebrandt kylebrandt released this 31 minutes ago

Congratulations to all people of Grafana Labs and all contributors who made this possible. Thanks for your hard work and keep up the spirit!